
About The Artist.

Minneapolis-based artist, Tom Janssen, has always been interested in art - ever since he was old enough to hold a pencil. At age eleven, Tom was introduced to spray paint and the graffiti culture, which he decided to focus on during his freshmen year of college. Since that time, Tom has invested a significant amount of time and attention to progressing in his craft. Realizing when working on a commissioned piece or mural that he wakes up every day loving his job, Tom decided in 2020 to focus on his aerosol work with the goal of being a professional artist full-time. The idea of making a living from what had been a hobby is incredibly intriguing to Tom, who has also received inspiration to become a full-time artist from his mentor, Peyton Scott Russell, with whom he has worked on several mural projects. Tom's goal is to continue learning and evolving his profession with the intent of one day inspiring young adults to follow their own dreams of being an artist. Tom was born in Guatemala City to parents of Guatemalan and Mayan descent. He moved to United States when he was six months old.